Dollar Cost Averaging – Easiest Way To Build Wealth

Financial advisors believe that regular investing is vital to achieving great financial success, however, timing market movements is risky and often unsuccessful. That’s where dollar cost averaging comes in. Imagine if professional analysts predict a massive recession is coming soon. Should you save money and hold tight? Or would you be better off investing smaller […]
5 Biggest 401K Mistakes for 2024

We’ll look into 5 of the biggest mistakes most people make with their 401K while saving for retirement. A 401k can be a fantastic source of income over retirement, however many people need to be made aware of the significant ways they can improve their 401k results. We’ll use the inversion technique popularised by Charlie […]
Biggest Mortgage Mistakes for 2024

A mortgage is likely to be the most significant expense for most people; therefore it’s crucial to be aware of the 4 biggest mistakes. With mortgage interest rates increasing recently, getting the best rates possible and avoiding major mistakes is becoming more critical. If you’re a first-time buyer or have never had a mortgage this […]
Vanguard Lifestrategy Funds – 3 Major Mistakes You Must Avoid

We’ll explore the 3 most common mistakes people make when investing in Vanguard LifeStrategy funds. Mistake 1 – Tax Inefficiency The first mistake is not understanding and optimizing tax benefits from the funds. LifeStrategy funds can have significant taxable bond allocations; therefore they make more sense for investors to hold their portfolio in a mix […]
Vanguard Lifestrategy Pros & Cons for 2024

We’ll explore why you should be very interested in the Vanguard Lifestrategy funds and how investing in them could be the only investment you ever need. Firstly, we’ll look into why you should consider the LifeStrategy funds, and then we’ll review each of the four funds to find out which would best suit your needs. […]
Jesse Livermore – 3 Key Trading Secrets

Jesse Livermore is the legendary name that stands above the rest in stock trading. Widely recognised as the most important stock operator of the last century, creating a legacy that impacts traders’ ideas today. We’ll uncover trading secrets from the fascinating book Reminiscences of a Stock Operator by Edwin Lefèvre. The story is in four main parts: Part 1 […]
Li Lu – The Worlds Best Secret Investor

Li Lu is considered the Asian Warren Buffett. His investment company, Himalaya Capital Investors, returned a 30% average compounded yearly return from 1998. So, how has Li Lu made incredible returns so consistently? To help find out, we’ll first cover his early life and then learn about his value investing journey through his relationships with […]
Kelly Criterion – Optimal Position Sizing For Trading

We’ll uncover the fascinating Kelly Criterion strategy, often called the fortune’s formula. Picture this: computer scientist John Kelly in 1956, armed with his genius and pen and paper, would forever drastically change the investment world. Fast forward to the present day, and we find ourselves mesmerized by the legendary Ed Thorp, who popularized this mathematical […]